Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post-Hurricane Isaac

Offshore Liftboats Press Release:
Post Hurricane Isaac
August 30, 2012

Now that Hurricane Isaac has passed a safe distance for our main office in Cut Off, LA and our vessels along the coast in safe harbor we were able to preform damage assessments.  Offshore Liftboats fleet is  fine and ready to go back to work as seas and customer needs warrant.  Our office in Cut Off, LA is in good shape and ready to open at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
Offshore Liftboats never lost communications with vessels, customers, operations, or staff throughout this event.  

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Monday, August 27, 2012

TS Isaac Press Relase

8/27/12 Tropical Storm Isaac Press Relase:

Offshore Liftboats' vessels working in the Gulf of Mexico are in safe harbor.  All necessary precautions have been made on each vessel for expected winds.  Furthermore, final preparation are being made at our office located in Cut Off, LA.  Offshore Liftboats has staged key personnel close to our office and outside of the expect path of Isaac.  Our operations center will continue though out the storm and work will resume as soon as Isaac has cleared us.  Offshore Liftboats office will be closed tomorrow 8-28-12 and possible Wednesday 8-29-12 however we will still have phone and email communications with customers and vessel crew.  Please contact us at 985-632-3414 or visit our website with any questions you may have.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

HRCS Playground Ribbon Cutting

On August 22, 2012 Offshore Liftboats, New Orleans Hornets, and Holy Rosary Catholic School (HRCS) preformed the ribbon cutting and blessing of the new playground.  Offshore Liftboats was happy to be able to give back and lift up the community though this project.  We would also like to thank all the other volunteers and sponsors who were part of this project.  Furthermore Offshore Liftboats would like to give a big thanks to Mr. Scott Bouzigard (Mr. "B"), principal of HRCS, for his vision of growing and building the school with God's grace.  We would also like to thank Mr. Mike and Annie Melancon for their vision and generosity of giving back to the community.
The New Orleans Hornets were on hand for the ribbon cutting with Sean Kelley, the Honey Bees, Hugo, and the Buzz Squad.  Not only did the students get to enjoy their new playground but also had fun with Hugo and activities sponsored by the Hornets.
Please click on the LINK for more photo's of the ribbon cutting, blessing, and actives.

Mrs. Annie Melancon Cutting the Ribbon
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Offshore Liftboats Press Release:

August 22, 2012

NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Hornets and Offshore Liftboats, L.L.C. will dedicate a new community playground on today, August 22 at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Rosary Catholic School (12925 East Main Street, Larose, La.). Hornets radio play-by-play announcer Sean Kelley will host the event and Hugo and the Honeybees will be on hand to help dedicate the playground.

The playground was designed to represent the Hornets with the use of the organization’s unique color scheme.

“The Hornets have had a relationship with Offshore Liftboats for the last five years and they’ve not only demonstrated their commitment to the organization, but to the community over that time,” said Tom Benson, Owner/Chairman of the Hornets and Saints. “We are proud to partner with Offshore Liftboats on this beautiful, new playground in Larose. We hope it gives students at Holy Rosary, in addition to kids in the community, the opportunity to be active and enjoy playing with their friends.”

Offshore Liftboats has been a long-time supporter of Holy Rosary Catholic School as it continues to build upon its reputation as one of the finest Catholic diocesan schools within Lafouche and Terrebonne Parishes. The school is currently undergoing a number of upgrades, including a new student chapel and a meditation/prayer garden that will feature walking paths and religious statues.

The new playground will mark the second public facility that the Hornets have had a hand in refurbishing or building in the Larose community. Through its partnership with BP, the Hornets refurbished a basketball court at the Larose Regional Park & Civic Center.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Website Roll Out

Offshore Liftboats would like to invite everyone to check out our new website at  We have updated the look and layout and created more ways to contact us.  In addition our updates also include new spec packages for all of our vessels, a safety section, updated "about us" and company history.  For those of you who have not met our team before we have photos of the office staff.  Thanks to Bizzuka's web content management we will be able to keep you up to date with all the latest at Offshore Liftboats.  

Here's a screen shot of what you can expect:
Tell us what you think about the new look!!
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

L/B Vanessa - Hull Construction Begins

Gary Callais and Zack Danos went check on the construction of the L/B Vanessa at Halimar Shipyard.  Things are already coming together on the hull.  Here's a few photo's they took:

Offshore Liftboats will continue to send out updates on the progress of our new 200' class liftboat.
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